Why Do Pugs’ Tongues Hang Out?

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Ever wonder why your adorable pug often has its tongue hanging out? Don’t worry, as a fellow pug-parent who has wondered the same thing, I’ve set out to unfold this intriguing enigma. My research will  cover everything,  from understanding the common behavioural quirks of our canine pals to serious health concerns that might be causing this.

Let’s embark on this enlightening journey so that we can provide better care for our furry friends!

A close up photo of a cute pug with his tongue hanging out

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Pugs’ tongues hang out due to relaxation, ageing and tooth loss, trauma or injury, neurological disorders, and medication side effects.
  • Potential problems with hanging tongues in pugs include increased risk of sunburn, dehydration, frostbite, or infection; difficulty with eating, drinking, and grooming.
  • Treatment options for pugs with hanging tongues include maintenance treatments such as keeping the tongue moisturised and regular dental care; veterinary medicine including gum disease treatment and surgical interventions like tongue reduction surgery.

Reasons Why Pugs’ Tongues Hang Out

Pugs’ tongues hang out due to relaxation, ageing and tooth loss, trauma or injury, neurological disorders, and medication side effects.


Relaxation is a key reason you’ll often see a pug’s tongue hanging out. Picture this: your pug is sprawled out on its favourite cushion, fast asleep after an exciting day of play. You might notice its tongue protruding just a bit from the side of its mouth – that’s completely normal! It indicates that the dog is in a calm and relaxed state.

Much like humans sticking their feet out from under the blanket to find that perfect temperature balance, dogs may let their tongues hang out during chill-out sessions for thermal regulation purposes.

But it doesn’t stop at temperature control; it also helps them breathe more comfortably due to their unique brachycephalic physiology. Don’t worry if you spot this behaviour during quiet moments; it’s simply part of being a laid-back, contented pug.

Ageing and tooth loss

As pugs mature, they often experience tooth loss, a common dilemma that can lead to their tongues hanging out. The reason is simple: missing teeth can make it harder for the tongue to stay inside the mouth.

This is particularly true when lower teeth start rotting due to severe dental disease or just falling out because of old age. Like puzzle pieces fitting together, those small canine teeth help keep a pug’s tongue in place.

Taking care of an ageing pug requires special attention to their oral health. Regular dental check-ups and proper home care are key factors in preventing issues like tooth loss that contribute to a dangling tongue.

Not only does excellent dental hygiene prevent discomfort or potential complications linked with Hanging Tongue Syndrome like difficulty eating and drinking properly; it also keeps your beloved pug looking as adorable as ever! Now you know why do pug’s tongues hang out, especially older ones.

Trauma or injury

Experiencing trauma or injury is another reason why a Pug’s tongue might hang out. The reality of this situation can be rather discomforting, especially since these dogs are so small and vulnerable.

A blow to the head, jaw, or direct harm to the tongue can result in nerve dysfunction. Nerve damage may then hinder your pug from effectively controlling its tongue leading to an odd display of their tiny pink muscle.

This condition isn’t something you should take lightly as it could significantly affect your pup’s life quality and overall health. Severe injuries may even cause scarring on their tongues further inhibiting regular movement.

Consequently, they might experience difficulty in performing simple tasks like eating and grooming themselves properly because their tongue no longer functions as it used to. And while not every little bump will lead to hanging tongue syndrome, knowing that physical injury plays a role helps you understand why do Pug’s tongues hang out at times.

Neurological disorders

Neurological disorders can also contribute to why a pug’s  tongue hangs out. These disorders can affect the dog’s ability to control the muscles in their mouth and jaw, leading to a protruding tongue.

In some cases, this may be due to nerve damage or abnormalities in the brain that impact motor function. It is important to note that neurological disorders are less common than other causes of hanging tongues in pugs, but they should not be ruled out if your furry friend consistently has their tongue sticking out.

If you notice any abnormal behaviour or suspect a neurological issue, it is crucial to seek veterinary care for proper diagnosis and treatment options.

Medication side effects

As a pug owner, it’s important to be aware that certain medications can have side effects that may cause your furry friend’s tongue to hang out. Some drugs, particularly those used for sedation or pain management, can relax the muscles in their face and jaw, making it difficult for them to keep their tongue inside their mouth.

It’s crucial to discuss any potential medication side effects with your veterinarian before starting treatment so they can guide you on what to expect and how to manage any tongue-related issues that may arise.

While medication side effects are not always avoidable, it is important to closely monitor your pug’s behaviour and appearance while they are on medication. If you notice their tongue hanging out excessively or if they seem uncomfortable or distressed, consult with your vet immediately.

Potential Problems with Hanging Tongues

Having a Pug with its tongue constantly hanging out may seem cute, but it can actually lead to potential problems and discomfort for your furry friend. One issue is that dogs who have their tongues hanging out are at an increased risk of sunburn, dehydration, frostbite, or infection.

The constant exposure of the tongue to the elements can cause these problems, especially if you live in extreme weather conditions or spend a lot of time outdoors with your Pug.

Another potential problem is difficulty with eating, drinking, and grooming. When a pug’s tongue sticks out all the time, it can interfere with their ability to properly eat and drink. They may struggle to pick up food or water without spilling it or have trouble biting into treats or toys.

Additionally, when grooming themselves, they may accidentally bite their tongues because they cannot retract them fully into their mouth.

Understanding these potential problems associated with Hanging Tongue Syndrome in Pugs is crucial for responsible pet ownership. By being aware of these issues and taking steps to mitigate them through proper care and treatment options (which will be discussed later), you can ensure that your lovable Pug stays healthy and happy despite having its adorable tongue hangs out all the time.

Treatment Options for Pugs with Hanging Tongues

Treatment options for Pugs with hanging tongues include maintenance treatments, veterinary medicine, and surgical interventions.

Maintenance treatments

As a pug owner, it’s important to be aware of the various maintenance treatments that can help with your dog’s hanging tongue. Here are some options to consider:

  1. Keep the tongue moisturised: Using a lubricant specifically designed for dogs can help keep your pug’s tongue moist and prevent discomfort. Look for products that are safe for pets and easy to apply.
  2. Regular dental care: Pugs are prone to tooth loss and dental issues, which can contribute to their tongues hanging out. Make sure to schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings with your veterinarian to keep your pug’s mouth healthy.
  3. Watch their weight: Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for pugs, as excess weight can exacerbate breathing problems and make it harder for them to manage their tongues. Consult with your vet about proper nutrition and portion control.
  4. Manage stress levels: Stress and anxiety can lead to behaviours like excessive panting or sticking the tongue out more frequently. Creating a calm environment for your pug, providing mental stimulation through toys and games, or even considering calming supplements recommended by your vet can help manage stress.
  5. Cool down in hot weather: Pugs have difficulty regulating their body temperature due to their short snouts, so they may stick their tongues out more often as a way of cooling down. Make sure your pug has access to shade, fresh water, and cool indoor areas during hot weather.
A pug sitting in a forest with his tongue hanging out

Veterinary medicine

As a pug owner, I understand the concerns that can arise when your beloved pet’s tongue is hanging out. Fortunately, veterinary medicine offers various treatment options for pugs with hanging tongues. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. A visit to the vet: If your pug’s tongue is constantly hanging out, it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.
  2. Gum disease treatment: Hanging tongue syndrome can be associated with gum infection or disease. Your vet may recommend cleaning the dog’s mouth thoroughly and treating any existing oral infections.
  3. Tooth extractions: Pugs with missing teeth or inadequate support in the lower jaw may experience difficulty keeping their tongues inside their mouths. In such cases, tooth extractions might be necessary to improve their tongue position.
  4. Wound cleaning and antibiotics: If trauma or injury has caused the hanging tongue, your vet may need to clean any wounds and prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection.
  5. Oral antiseptics: To promote healing and prevent further complications, your vet might prescribe oral antiseptics or topical treatments for your pug’s mouth.

Surgical interventions

When it comes to pugs with hanging tongues, surgical interventions can be a viable option. These procedures aim to improve the functionality and appearance of the tongue, enhancing the overall quality of life for your furry friend. Here are some surgical interventions that may be considered:

  1. Tongue reduction surgery: This procedure involves removing a portion of the excess tissue from the tongue to help it fit comfortably within the mouth. By reducing the size of the tongue, pugs can experience improved mobility and reduced discomfort.
  2. Tongue stabilisation: In cases where a pug’s tongue hangs out due to trauma or injury, surgical techniques can be used to stabilise it. This may involve attaching small sutures or using other methods to secure the tongue in its proper position.
  3. Soft palate surgery: Sometimes, a pug’s hanging tongue can be associated with an elongated or excessively thick soft palate. Surgery can be performed to trim and reshape the soft palate, allowing for better airflow and reducing breathing difficulties.
  4. Dental procedures: In some instances, dental problems such as missing teeth or misaligned jaws can contribute to a pug’s tongue hanging out. Surgical interventions like tooth extraction or realignment can address these issues and improve oral function.
  5. Corrective jaw surgery: If structural abnormalities in a pug’s jaw contribute to their tongue hanging out, corrective jaw surgery may be necessary. This procedure aims to correct misalignments or malformations that affect proper tongue positioning.


In conclusion, there are several reasons why pugs’ tongues may hang out. It could be due to relaxation, ageing and tooth loss, trauma or injury, neurological disorders, or medication side effects.

While it might seem cute and endearing, it’s important to monitor your pug’s tongue hanging out as it could potentially indicate underlying health issues. If you notice any concerning symptoms or discomfort in your pug, consult with a veterinarian who can provide appropriate treatment options.

Rick from Pugspiration


Hi, I’m Rick, a dedicated pug enthusiast and proud owner of these lovable canines for over 20 years. My journey with pugs began when I brought home my first pup, a mischievous yet endearing pug named Muffin. Since then, my love for pugs has only grown, and I’ve made it my mission to share my knowledge and experience with fellow pug lovers around the world.